29 August 2008

citibank sharpie

True to my word, I appear again! This time, I deliver part 2 in the sharpie series. To set the stage here, there are two vital pieces of information: 1. the previous blog entry wherein I began the habit of writing modestly worded letters when in a scientific fugue; 2. A friend and co-worker of mine, along with about 75% of everyone on campus banks at the Citibank at the hospital. This leads to massive lines when everyone isn’t supposed to be ‘working’, i.e. at lunch. This correspondence stemmed from my co-worker complaining about some sort of incident at the local branch.

October 2, 2006

Dear Citibank,

I just talked to my friend and he says he doesn’t like you very much. You should change your business practices, because scientists are people too!

Although my friend doesn’t like you, I’m not here to start making enemies. Please accept the enclosed 1cent stamp as a goodwill offering.

Yours truly,

The letter was sent to U.S. Service Center, Citi Inquiries, 100 Citibank Drive PO Box 769004 San Antonio, TX 78245-9004. Again, I have photocopygraphic evidence of such, this time including the fact that a First Class stamp was affixed to the envelope. Documentation can be provided upon request. Again, I never heard anything back from the good people at Citi.

The first paragraph contains a point that I think isn’t made often enough in this world. Be kind to your local scientist.

1 comment:

Viceroy Fizzlebottom said...

It's blogs like this that will pave the way for a day when scientists no longer have to sit at the back of the bus or use "scientist" water fountains (I believe your people call them "rinse stations").

Maybe someday we'll even have integrated slow pitch softball leagues that lets scientists play with everyone else.

That's my dream anyway...